Isabelle Kerr’s piece of writing is very clear point made by herself with an attempt at explaining the “destructive nature” that slang is having on the English language.However the execution of the argument is poorly made with obvious flaws seen throughout the entire piece.

Possibly the only redeeming feature of Kerr’s writing is the clarity in which she presents her ideas and message. Although it was poorly delivered its clear what points she is trying to make. In the piece she is talking about the uselessness of adding some of the slang words we use into the dictionary. One of her points were “Words like twerking unlike and selfie are nothing more than slang which like any fashion trends come and go. After all when was the last time you heard someone call something groovy”. This point is very clear and useful using a metaphor “fashion trend” as an example and a well as a former slang phrase that isn’t used anymore “Groovy” to back her case however, she doesn’t defend slang to give a deeper insight into the limited benefits of slang v the downsides of it and how certain slang words come and(if they do)remain in the English language.

This is further seen in her paragraph about William Shakespeare which further derails her points.Some of her points against slang do not make sense most prominent is her point about Shakespeare “What hope is there? Shakespeare would be turning in his grave.”Shakespeare one of the most famous play writes of our time established in English only because of his use of slang which is a fault made by Isabelle Kerr’s point as she tries to use him to reinforce her point about the lack of need or use of slang. This lack of information rather tears down her point rather than help it.

Isabelle Kerr isn’t able to fully back her argument against slang when the points that she is bringing out further tears down her own argument with the use of William Shakespeare(a man famous for his use of slang) with her claims that the words provided by this current generation being “nonsensical and downright pointless…pitiful emblems of the current young generation’s”

Slang is an intriguing and diverse form of language with the smart interesting and simplistic use of the language only being the type of slang being wildly accepted. Slang gives people the chance for inventiveness and creativity of people to create new and interesting words done by people through the history of the English language and none more famous than William Shakespeare himself with his work depending solely on the use of slang to captivate his audiences to this day. there ain’t noting more to it

Goodbye, my irreplaceable son and Happiness My problem was wishing too much for you my loving son 7 years you were loaned to me and now I have to pay Done by the Gods on the right day I could no longer be a Dad? for why should a man not be grieved and be jealous? To get to escape lives troubles and problems. If there is something to be glad about its his age. Sleep now and relax because you lie as my best creation. who was it that his promises be as his love was something that would never leave me.

In this poem we see many contrasts and parallel’s to William Shakespeare’s Hamlet Soliloquy “To be or not To be”. In both poems one of the most prominent and obvious things that you can see from it is that they both are an internal emotional struggle for both people with Hamlet deliberating whether he should kill himself or his uncle and the Poet deciding if life is worth living without his son.

In Addition, both the poem and play are written by fathers that have lost their sons with one choosing to immortalize him through the play for years/centuries to come and another expressing his deepest sadness and the heartbreak he feels without him here.

In capitalism their is much seen to the difference we have between it and Communism we can see this by the different aproaches they have e.g Capitalism is a profit based system likened to Democracy with different rights and features obtained because of the rich being able to rule people in the way they see f

Act 5 Scene 1 The act starts with two gravediggers digging a hole for a christian burial they argue about the fact that the women doesn’t deserve a burial because she killed herself and the other argues she earns it because of her rank. Hamlet and the Gravedigger engage in a game of cat and mouse with questions answered with questions. Then Hamlet speaks of life and death and how every person gets an equal death no matter who they are.

Hamlet hides as the King,Queen,and Laertes arrive with a coffin. Laertes argues with the priest about the burial with the priest refusing a full christian burial because she killed herself. The Queen places flowers on the casket and Laertes over run with grief jumps into the casket. Hamlet realizes it is Ophelia and argues how he loved her more the Laertes ever could. They are separated and Horatio is instructed to look over Hamlet.

Act 5 Scene 2 Hamlet informs Horatio of the events that led to him returning to England telling him about how he found the letter intended for the English King(in Rozencrantz and Guildenstern’s room.) orderings Hamlets beheading but, with great intelligence Hamlet rewrote a second letter ordering the death of Rozencrantz and Guildenstern stating he feels no regret for they betrayed him. Horatio suggests that the King would be informed but Hamlet states that he will act fast now.

Osoric the Kings courtier enters inviting Hamlet to a friendly duel with Laertes with Hamlet humbly accepting Horatio feeling uneasy states that it may be a trap but, Hamlet suggests that he cannot escape his fate if its his destiny all he can do is prepare for it. The duel then is about to begin with Hamlet first apologizing to Laertes about his actions including the murder of his father stating it was in his madness. Laertes states he bears him no grudge. they then choose their swords with Laertes picking his and Hamlet only asking its the same size.

They begin with Hamlet getting the first two hits King Claudius adds a pearl to Hamlets cup offering a drink but he refuses his mother does the same but he still refuses the King exclaims “our son shall win” and the queen declares a toast and drinks from the cup despite the Kings warning. Laertes and Hamlet fight for the third time with Laertes hitting Hamlet with the poison sword the fall on the ground switch swords and Hamlet hits Laertes with the poison sword as well then the Queen falls.

The King says she is fell because of the blood but she states she “has been poisoned” Laertes tells Hamlet of the murder plot and that the poison sword is in his hand. Hamlet stabs the King and to ensure his death pours the wine down his throat he and Laertes forgive each other so they both go to heaven and Hamlet tells Horatio to tell his story and entrust the Danish crown to Fortinbras who army and him approach they come and see the bodies and Fortinbras agrees to take the crown and says that the bodies to be buried.

To live or not to live is my problem. To remain respected and live with my uncles deceit or to kill him for his crimes ending his reign of terror. to die or rest knowing the rest I bring destroying the pain he caused to so many

Act 4 Scene 1 Claudius expects to receive news about his plan but his Queen Gertrude comes to inform him of Hamlets killing of Polonius much to the King’s surprise. King Claudius tries to devise a plan to make sure Hamlets wrong deed is not linked back to him and tells the Queen that they must send Hamlet to England. Following this, the King sends Rozencrantz and Guildenstern to find Hamlet.

Act 4 Scene 2 Hamlet has secretly hidden the body of Polonius. When Rozencrantz and Guildenstern come to investigate and ask Hamlet where the body is, he doesn’t give them a straight answer, instead calling them spies in service of the King he later allows them to take him to the King.

Act 4 Scene 3 The King informs a group of attendants that Hamlet killed Polonius and that he must be sent to England. Rozencrantz and Guildenstern arrive with Hamlet when the King asks him where Polonius’ body is. He later discloses the location of the body to the King. Claudius informs Hamlet that he must go to England at once and Rozencrantz and Guildenstern should follow him. Then Claudius alone says that his plan for Hamlet to be killed in England has been set into action.

Act 4 Scene 4 The Prince Fortinbras marches his army through Denmark and sends his Captain to inform the King of their request to pass through Denmark. On the way he sees Hamlet who is on his way to England. He informs them of the Journey that they are going on and the land they are after Hamlet then ponders on his inactivity in comparison to the Prince Fortinbras.

Act 4 Scene 5 The Queen and Horatio talk about Ophelia. the Queen doesn’t want to see her but obliges, Ophelia enters grief ridden has sent her into madness speaking in song. She also starts stating that Laertes will replace the King then leaves. Laertes comes with a mob to come kill the King with Laertes accusing the King of killing his father. The King though he doesn’t give up hamlet he assures Laertes that they will find the culprit of his fathers death.

Act 4 Scene 6 Horatio receives a letter from Hamlet telling him that he has been Kidnapped by pirates and is on his way back to England even though they didn’t take anyone else on the boat and Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are still on their way to England. He tells Horatio that the other letters are for the King and when he is done delivering them he should meet with Horatio immediately he has news to share.

Act 4 Scene 7 The King confirms that Hamlet killed Polonius and is attempting to Kill him as well while Laertes questions why the King hasn’t had Hamlet killed for his crimes.The King explains he has stopped himself even though he has no intention of letting Hamlet live then, the letters from Hamlet arrive informing the King of Hamlets return to Denmark. The King and Laertes plot to kill Hamlet in a friendly duel were Hamlets sword will be blunt and Laertes will be sharp in addition, they will dip Laertes sword in poison just in case and finally, they will pour poison in Hamlet’s wine in case Laertes does not succeed.

Queen Gertrude enters to inform them of Ophelia’s death by drowning she goes into graphic detail about the events that unfolded which pushes Laertes grief over the limit and he barges out of the room swiftly followed by Claudius and Gertrude.

Act 3 Scene 1 In the beginning of this act the King calls upon two of Hamlets close friends Rozencrantz and Guildenstern to ask them to inform him of Hamlets recent actions to which they inform him of very little without disclosing Hamlets plan to attack and kill the King. The King and Queen agree to go to the play before the King asks the Queen to leave as him and Polonius hide and wait for Hamlet to bump into Ophelia.

Before this Hamlet has his speech to himself with Shakespeare most famous line “To be or not to be” with Hamlet wondering weather he should kill himself or not but if he is man enough to kill himself he should be man enough to kill his uncle(The King).However, when Hamlet arrives he sees Ophelia who he calls a liar and says that she should go to a nunnery(Brothel) later on he says that no man can be deserving of her love and says that she should go to a nunnery.

Act 3 Scene 2 As Hamlet hastily rushes the players to prepare they are getting ready for the play that is soon to occur Hamlet who is overly nervous Trying to ensure that the players perform their parts correctly With everyone getting into their seats Hamlet welcomes Horatio before the pre play scene begins He makes sure to inform Horatio to pay close attention to the King to catch his reaction to the play. after Hamlet messes with Polonius and confuses Ophelia the trumpet is played for the pre play to take place. the play begins shortly after enacting the events that killed Hamlets father and when its revealed that the new Kings nephew is the one who kills him King Claudius halts the play and fleas the area. Hamlet excited by the evidence he has found he has been told that he is wanted by his mother and states he will scorn her but not kill her.

Act 3 Scene 3 The King shaken and scared by the events asks Rozencrantz and Guildenstern to take Hamlet on a voyage to England immediately due to his “dangerous madness”. Polonius arrives and says that he would hide in the Queen’s bedroom and spy on her and Hamlet. after Polonius leaves the King starts praying to God stating he knows he can’t be forgiven for his sins with the fact that he is still gaining from the death of his brother. soon Hamlet slips into the room and unsheathed his sword However, he decides he will not kill him yet with him having the right to confess his sins and his father never got the chance to do it.

Act 3 Scene 4 In the scene Hamlet goes to confront his mother about the multiple deeds that she has committed that he feels is wrong. while they are in there Hamlet says something ominous that unsettles his mother she screams for help and Polonius answers from behind the curtain. Shocked from the noise from behind the curtain Hamlet thrusts his rapier(French sword) into the curtain killing Polonius. After his mother shocked at his action asks him why he did what he did Hamlet still continues to insult her. the Ghost finally returns to tell Hamlet to focus on the task he was asked to do.

Act II scene 1 In this scene Polonius the farther of Laertes asks one of his servants to travel to Paris too keep and eye on his son discretely he tells him to question some Danes about Laertes reputation and lie about his behaviour when the servant asks why he explains this is how he will get the truth of Laertes behaviour out of the people their that may know him. After this Ophelia walks in explaining Hamlet has come looking completely dirty and rugged and behaving strangely with Polonius assuming that this is because Ophelia obeyed her fathers wishes to keep him at a distance that he has gone mad with love.

Scene 2 In the castle King Claudius with Queen Gertrude as he has invited two of Hamlets friends Rozencrantz and Guildenstern he asks them to find out what is wrong with Hamlet with them replying that they have no choice. after this Voltimand(messenger for the King of Norway) gives the King a message that prince Fortinbras(enemy of Denmark) wishes to pass through their waters to battle against the Polish on his uncles wishes. the King says he will read over it the next day. Finally Polonius arrives stating he Knows the reason for Hamlets madness being his overwhelming love for Ophelia.

Polonius tries to speak with Hamlet who is not in the slightest mood to be speaking with him in which Polonius assures Hamlet that he will fix things. After this Rozencrantz and Guildenstern enter and begin speaking with Hamlet then pleased to see his friends asks why they came though reluctant at first they final tell Hamlet their reason for being there.


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